Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Special Mega Annual Issue, 15 June 2018 | Page 4
reasons to generate those issues. Even if the problem
concerned seems same.
5. What is Hypnotherapy? : Well it is a therapy, which is done in
the state of hypnosis or in trace by using your own mind.
I ll not get into much of technicality here. But I can describe
how do we go about it, since I met many people who seems
to be pretty scared since they do not know the process as to
what happened once they are in therapists office.
Client sit in a chair or recliner (it can be performed while you
are stand up too.) but since an average session for therapy
can be anywhere between 2 to 3 hours, so we prefer to keep
our client sitting. We take you to the journey of your own
subconscious mind with the help of some very old tried and
tested tools of verbal commands, and this way we take you
to access your inner mind.
Of course; just like every other journey you need appropriate
ticket to reach the right place and accurate map to find healing
at pinpoint location.
Here, That ticket and map is your issue/issues.
We (your therapists) are there with you through out the journey
and bring you back safe and sound and of-course with a
completely different perspective. Almost like paradigm shift.
Then we close session with perfect precision, bring you back to
your conscious state and hand over command from your
subconscious mind to your conscious mind.
Now, if you have this Journal or any of the issue of this journal
in your hand your time to heal and transform has come. Reach
out and begin this journey of Healing and Transformation.
1. Thomas A. Hilton jr. : Can we grow our hair back well
he sure has given a real proof of it.
2. A Prakash: 'Welcome a soul', Hypnotherapy for moms to be
3. Guzalia S. Davis: Children and hypnotherapy
4. Dr. Bruce E. Kaloski : Financial Challenges and Past life
regression. Do read it you might find key to wealth ......