Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 9, 1 March 2018 | Page 35
with Masters.. it has been an amazing journey. Life has become so
5. What is your most life changing experience during therapy
so far?
Getting personal guidance from Lord Krishna and Mahavatar
Also meeting 'Golden Light', ' 'White Light' and the Lord of 'Lack of
Light'- earlier who identified Himself as 'Lord of Darkness'. This
gave an immense understanding of Sankhya Darshan Shastra.
6. What is the common challenge you come across as a
Working with clients with a closed mind refusing to believe their
own experience under hypnosis.
7. Then how do you deal with it?
With love and patience, and leave it to the Lord.
Every soul is on his/her journey, they can be given opportunity to
proceed but it is their choice of their free will to move forward for
their own healing or wait to learn/experience more before
proceeding towards their journey towards HOME.
8. What is your take on various Healing medium?
Each one has its place under the Sun. Nothing is bad, only it
should not be used as an exploitation tool of greed.
9. Please explain hypnotherapy in your words.
Therapy provided to an individual by his help, by him allowing you
to go into his mind to his own known cause of his situation. The
therapist's knowledge of the science and his intent to do good can
work wonders for the client.
Thank you Yogesh.
You may contact Yogesh at:
Dr. Yogesh Chaudhary
Clinical Hypnotherapist,
Life Between Life Therapist,
Spiritual Hypnotherapist and
Past Life Regression Therapist.
Email: [email protected]