Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 9, 1 March 2018 | Page 17
think of what he has to become and what he needs to do. So, it’s
an escape.
You don’t feel good today. You feel – the desire for money is
substituting for the power that you have. That is why the desire is
there. There and the feeling of superiority… mixed with the belief
of superiority mixed with the feeling of insecurity and helplessness
block his heart from energies and accepting everyone. That is of
the forms of greed because he is that mood of selfishness where
he wants to deal with his own problems and he feels that only he
has problems.
It is the greed, to only address your requirements that stop him
from being open to other people’s needs and pains and joys as
well. This is what is blocking your heart. We will look at it again.
but I am sure which is why I tell you to go out and do this selfless
work but something stops you and may even make you run away.
Something is definitely blocking. Nobody goes to the door and
turns the handle and turns away or walks away.
You’ll get a feeling. ask at that point of time. What am I doing it
for? You’ll get an answer. Consciously ask that. Whenever you are
going to make a deal go after 5 minutes. Be with yourself - ask
your subconscious. Please give me an indication or an information.
It will lead me to my intent of helping people? Not for more money?
Don’t ask if it will be profitable. It will be profitable if you work with
people but that is not the intent. The shift in the core focus. At the
same time don’t say that if it is profitable then I’ll help people. No!
Some excerpt:
Yogesh: How does one neutralise the ego?
Client: By praying, by being humble, by meditating
Yogesh: That’s the conscious freewill choice, right?
Client: Right. It is the collective conscience.
Yogesh: Just be with that thought. Pray every day and keep this
stone in your hand when you pray. I want it to enhance/
Client: Ya