The 1 / 3rd part remaining was fine , it was normal in color and it was still attached to the nail-bed . From there , all I had to do was clean up the exposed nail -bed by clipping away a lot of the hardened , dead skin carefully to not damage the nail-bed itself .
After a few washing ' s more , this allowed the color of it to appear as normal as my skin-tone .
All the discolored nail was cut away . So the yellowish color was gone . It didn ' t appear as ugly to me although the majority of the nail was now missing . This helped me in a psychological way . So I knew it would help greatly . My hypnosis sessions focused mostly on reminding my subconscious that the body already has a natural means to regrow the nail . I would have to just step back and allow it by only feeding it positive thoughts . I would have no more issues with being embarrassed because the thumb was normal in color now . Less noticeable . No one had to know it ever was associated with a fungus . No one had to know that I had dealt with it for over 15 years . It was simply an injury and the body would take care of it on its own . No need to think about it any longer . I could move on and work on other projects . Again putting it out of my mind so to speak .
I did this for only a couple nights by using a recorded hypnosis induction to help me get into the right trance . Thinking about the above-mentioned affirmations and using creative visualization the best I could while I was in that trance . Those were my entire sessions . My mind quickly accepted it . Expecting of course that the body would take over as I was busy focusing on other things .
I researched and learned that the natural time frame for a nail to grow completely is 6 months . Because of my age at least . In older adults , some additional factors may play a role that could take longer , such as circulation in the blood , diabetes and such . In most cases , a nail will grow 1 / 10th of an inch each month reaching its full growth in 6 months . A toenail , however , takes longer , up to a year and a half . Three times longer . During the next 6 months , all I did was make sure that when I trimmed my other nails . I trimmed the thumb as well , making sure it was trimmed back to where it was always attached to the nail- bed . This was the only maintenance and thoughts I had on the nail