Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 8, (February 1, 2018) | Page 9

me the results which I wanted. I now had the missing link as to why the affirmations did not feel true for me whenever I read them. As a hypnotherapist, who understands the inner workings of the subconscious mind, I can now see clearly, why the positive affirmations were not working for me. The positive affirmations were bumping up against my subconscious beliefs, which were my “perceived” personal emotional truths and the powerful subconscious mind will do everything to prove my personal truths as correct. Thus, the affirmations had no power against my subconscious beliefs. This was the reason why I was not seeing any changes in my outer world. My inner world of subconscious beliefs were still in control and those beliefs had a powerful purpose of protecting me, even at the expense of keeping me miserable and stuck with old ways of thinking, feeling and reacting. My subconscious beliefs were creating their own set of affirmations in the form of automatic negative thoughts and feelings. Ironically, as I reacted to the automatic negative thoughts and feelings, I was re- affirming and reinforcing my limiting beliefs. It felt like having one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake. When I finally found the missing pieces of the puzzle, it was a great moment of insight for me. What I was affirming, was in conflict with my subconscious beliefs. Most of our beliefs are hidden away from conscious awareness. For example; 1.if my subconscious was programmed with the idea that complaining about things is the only way I could get some attention then it would always show me a reality where I would find lots to complain about. Now you may think this is so weird, that’s precisely what I thought until I discovered that, the true purpose of the subconscious was to get me attention. Perhaps as a child, I longed for attention and this was the only way I could get my parents’ attention. It did not matter if my behaviour was perceived as good or bad as long as I was fussy about things, it got my parents’ attention. As an adult, this belief is still there within my