Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 8, (February 1, 2018) | Page 27

personal growth and awareness. They may work subliminally in unawakened minds, but for those spiritually attuned to the universe Quartz crystals are like beacons of light and positive energy to be used in daily thoughts, feelings, words and actions and integrated onto the earth. . Its natural tendency is for harmony and brings a sense of purpose to those who resonate with it. Meditation with Quartz Clear Quartz filters out distractions and helps to empty the mind, especially when placed at the Third Eye. It allows for a feeling of "oneness" and provides for a deep meditative state. By visualizing an image of one's intent or desired outcome within the crystal. During a meditative session, Clear Quartz provides a powerful psychic amplification. The crystal "remembers" and magnifies the pattern of energy, so using the same crystal in repeated meditations allows for the opportunities and power of the focused intent to manifest into reality. Programming the Quartz in this manner assists one in achieving virtually any goal in inner or outer life. As a note of caution, all such manifestations have their first and strongest effects on the one using the crystal, so negative purposes will inevitably bring harm back on oneself. Quartz Feng Shui Clear Quartz crystals are perfect "energy dispersers" in any window. As a natural prism, they take light and energy from the sun and disperse it freely within the room. They offer an indoor sun world for warmth, strength and vitality. Varsha Dwivedi Clinical Hypnotherapist, -Past life regression Therapist, -Life between Lives therapist, -Crystal Healer, -Tarot Reader, -NLP Trainer to the Coaches -Master Practitioner and coach of NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming) & Subconscious Re – imprinting, -Marma “ Vedic Science” Therapist Email: varshadwivedi225@gmail.com