Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 8, (February 1, 2018) | Page 11

self-fulfilling prophecy . 9 . Beliefs are emotionally driven , which makes them extremely powerful . 10 . Beliefs dictate how we react to our world , to others and to ourselves . * The good news is that , beliefs can be changed .* We are not born with limiting beliefs . Our beliefs are not written in stone . Since beliefs were created from our own perceived “ truths ”, new empowering beliefs can be created , if they feel true to us . Your personal affirmations must be aligned with your new truths . The new affirmations when repeated frequently will begin to loosen the rigidity of the old limiting beliefs , which will eventually lose power and collapse . So let ’ s go back to the earlier example of the affirmation “ Today is a happy day .” How could I re-write the affirmation , so as to feel the emotional truth behind the words ? A more truthful affirmation for me would be ; “ Today I choose to remain calm and flexible , to accept people and situations as they are , I can only change things which I have control over . I take full responsibility for my emotional wellbeing .” This feels true to me when I say the words out loud , so I know that I am emotionally congruent with this statement .
As I keep repeating this new empowering affirmation , my subconscious will accept this new idea as it feels true to me and eventually it becomes a new belief . This new belief empowers me to take responsibility of my own emotional wellbeing . A powerful new belief needs to have the very important “ emotional quotient ” within it , which makes it true for me . So now when I find something to complain about , this new belief will kick in and allow me to look at things differently .
I become more mindful and respond to situations appropriately . I will no longer react habitually from my old pattern . My subconscious mind will now generate thoughts and feelings of remaining calm , and being in control . As I keep repeating this new pattern of behaviour , it will become automatic . This is true transformation .