To the best of my understanding and as frequently said, every disease actually
is ‘Dis-Ease’ i.e. the state of not being at ease, the sate when you are
uncomfortable, the condition when harmony of our ‘Being’ is disturbed. So holistic
resolution would require addressing not just the physical, but also the mental,
emotional and even energy and spiritual aspects related to the issue. They maybe
interlinked or may not be, it maybe just one aspect or a couple of them, we simply
just can’t ignore them. We need to explore and heal all related aspects of any issue
for healing in totality!
Hypnotherapy as a healing modality has the tools and processes that help the
therapist address all aspects of our ‘Being’, be it physical, mental, emotional or even
the energy and spiritual. Beyond the realm of medicines and medical procedures
being applied in modern medical system that focus on curing the physical aspect of
our being, it was only in Homeopathy that worked on the ‘Energy System’. Other
modalities like Acupuncture and Marma Therapy also essentially work through an
individual’s ‘Energy System’.
Our ‘Karmic’ imprints of past and present shape our ‘Thoughts’, which in turn
trigger ‘Emotions’, these emotions result bio-chemical changes in form of
hormones, which signal Physical symptoms! An interesting chain of events-isn’t it!
Everything is interlinked, so how can therapy or healing be isolated only at one level
of our ‘Being’? This is where Hypnotherapy and the amazing power of ‘Trance’
comes into play!!!
Hypnotherapy as a modality is an amazing tool! Something like a magic wand,
if one knows how to use it Right! Given that the client too is ‘Open’, ‘Receptive’ and
‘Willing to Transform’! There are so many tales of amazing healing ranging from
resolving simple body aches to nearly incurable (as declared by modern medicine)
medical conditions like Asthma and Thyroid (Hypo/Hyper). All simply possible
because Hypnotherapy seeks to explore and heal the ‘Root Cause’ of each issue,
be it physical, mental, emotional, energy or Karmic!