Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 6, (December 1, 2017) | Page 3

Since stupidity and intellect both are gender neutral. However, it is up to us what we call upon. And guess what, we both were startled afterword. I was so spontaneous that even I did not know from where it came. Since then I witness, sometimes happily and sometimes in pain we are always right …….. Why oh Why ???? Watch out your words… Generally…., all of Us. Specially…... Teachers and parents.. .Since we are dealing with open subconscious minds and very trusting hearts. So words like: “You can never do this…. “You are stupid….. “You are so bad……. “You will never amount to anything……. Please banish them from our vocabulary and our tongue They create trauma and set wrong belief in our child’s heart. Let’s not just think positive but speak positive too. And for those of us who are at receiving end by any authority figure. Negate such words immediately in your thought (if you can not negate them louder) Say… I am Intelligent I can do it. I ll find my calling. No, I am good. I can change and grow. And many more as per the requirement; It will finish the effect. So now in our this month’s Journey Let’s understand Power of Words through a brilliant write up by Guzallia Davis “ The Power of Words”. It has so much to learn and ponder. Thank you dear. You are a gem in our collection. With Neha Sharma we are in, onto a very interesting observation can we collect our qualities of previous births through Hypnotherapy. Wow! Now that’s intriguing… Our journey is getting interesting with every passing month.