Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 6, (December 1, 2017) | Page 24

times and holding the hands to themselves “for me”. This greeting is so powerful that we have adopted it for all our workshops since. What followed was the most intense and open minded workshop of Trauma Tapping I have been through. We ended up testing our *Somatic Poem as a setup for group teaching. We added in our extra repertoire of release techniques
 such as Blow Out for pent up anger and Do-In self massage for balancing the body-mind. In the end I brought out my piano and we did a call and response session where they were so synchronized that we ended up call and response dancing in a frenzy to a point of powerful and energetic calm. All in all this was a great way to conduct a group training, especially since the musical interaction is known to activate more of the human brain than any other activity, creating a high energy state of mind. “Women at City of Joy practice Trauma Tapping Technique for their healing. The impact of Trauma Tapping is efficient, edifying, and reality proven. Results are seen in the testimonies of women who heal in the face of the impossible. TTT, among other approaches we use at City of Joy, is a response to the worries that women who have known a hell of a life have. There are testimonies from the women of City of Joy that when this tech- nique is applied “hope and energy are recovered, and many changes become vis- ible”. Some women who are exhausted before the practice are more audacious to take initiative in the group and are excited to administer the same technique to other needy, traumatized persons.” Christine Shuler Deschryver, Director at the City of Joy G unilla Hamne, "Sweden" Stress and Trauma Consultant Founder of Peaceful HeartNetwork www.peacefulheart.se www.selfhelpfortrauma.org Ulf Sandström Is a mental trainer and hypnotherapist who is extremely curious about what makes us tick. Tock. He works as a complementary therapist with in-depth knowledge and experience of principles, methods and procedures for treatment of a large variety of symptoms of emotional stress and trauma; including flashbacks, addiction, chronic pain, cognitive dissonance, IBS, GAD COD, grief, rumination and sleep. With the Peaceful Heart Network he works with First Aid for emotional and traumatic stress in zone of post- conflict such as: Rwanda, D.R. Congo and Lesbos, Greece Read more at: www.ulfsandstrom.com, www.peacefulheart.se & www.selfhelpfortrauma.org.