This Lady here is regular Meditator a seeker, apart from her day
today life.
Our Journey begins by going in knee and seeing a lump there
which was paining I asked her to remove it with the help of shoval
made of light which she did very effectively and saw that lump melt
away in light; With visible effect of instantly vanished pain. Then
we let the session guide itself and soon she was in Root chakra.
Here comes the intriguing part. Her experience of her chakras was
nowhere similar to anything we read in books about energy
centres. This is not the first time I ‘ve witnessed this uniqueness of
individual energy centers. That made me conclude we all have
unique imprints of energy centers in spite of their basics
being the same.
1. Root Chakra:
Her root chakra was “bean shaped” it was not clean, and making
her scared of approaching it . We cleaned it again with the same
shoval of light and intent. Now she reported its colour to be white
from outside and its shape was bean shaped.
When she entered it. It was golden yellow coloured comfortable,
hollow spaced an oval shaped from inside. She felt it viberating.
She was feeling very much at ease there.
Again journey begin and she found herself in a white tunnel which
felt like made of cement.
2. Sacral Chakra
Now she has reached to a dark grean coloured leaf shaped
structure. Which she termed as Sacral Chakra. It felt healthy
outside so she entered inside there it required cleaning we cleaned
it with the same method again inside it was a rectangular box with
light green colour. There was a faint sound echoing and it too was