Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 3, (September 1, 2017) | Page 28

6. Later he reported feeling much lighter, and more ‘aware’, with a better understanding of the life he was living and felt a ‘transformation’ of his perception about things, people and his actions and hoped that this ‘awareness’ will help him heal and lead a happy healthy life, free from the unending chase of ‘sexual-mirage’. 7. The imprints of lives we have lived carry over to our successive lifetimes. Issues, conflicts and karmic-debts carryover life-after-life, and we keep coming again and again, taking multiple births seeking to resolve them each time and heal our souls back to the state of bliss and calmness. Our choices, guided by our free-will play a big role in the evolutionary journey of our soul. Everything we do, every thought we project, every wish we seek, is creating an intricate invisible web of cause-effect relationship which is sure to manifest in one way or the other. 8. So lets be more ‘Centered’, established ‘With-in’, in acceptance and gratitude to manifest the best blissful version of us, working one-day-at-a- time. In this Earth-realm of ‘Maya’, indulgence and entanglements of worldly joys and grief is inevitable, yet we all can ‘Choose’ the way we live. Love & Light! A Prakash Clinical Hypnotherapist Past Life Regression Therapist Life between Lives Therapist Email: [email protected]