Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 3, (September 1, 2017) | страница 2

देिहनोऽिस्मन्यथा देहे कौमारं यौवनं जरा। तथा देहान्तरप्रािप्तधीर्रस्तत्र न मुह्यित।।2.13।। As the soul experiences in this body, infancy, youth and old age, so finally it passes into another. The wise have no delusion about this. SrimadbhagvadGeeta: “Chapter 2: Verse 13” FROM THE DESK Void Within………. A quest unfulfilled… A heart with a hole… A soul thirsty … Void within. And what all we run after to fill it. Work, Prestige, Money, relationships, and fame. Nothing fills it, nothing brings peace. Sometimes we reach out to friendship, to feel less lost. Sometimes we smile with kids, to find some sunshine. But; where are we, what are we searching for????.... Purpose………. Peace…………… or God. Or, All of it…. Let’s live it; in ‘Acceptance’ Experience it drop by drop Till …the water settles and calm emerges… Within that: …..Answer Reflects Will it…. ?????? I am waiting…….. Time for another shake, to leave, accumulated knowledge in order to understand, principal of inner wisdom towards healing. And to facilitate just that, we begin with “Dr. Bruce E. Kaloski” “Financial Challenges & Poverty Consciousness” Is it really