Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 3, (September 1, 2017) | Page 15

One day later “I’d like to tell you about how it’s going since your fantastic help. I don’t want to burden you further, and there’s no need to reply. I still have my eyes full of tears when I watch a film about love, separation, reuniting, someone lost found again, but I no longer feel stuck in a dead end – no escape. If it gets too hard, tapping on my eyebrows helps me to come back to earth.” Two days later “I did as you said, and the first part of the night I slept without any dreams I could remember. Unfortunately I woke up about 2 hours before dawn, without having slept enough. So I tried to go back to sleep. But every time I started to doze off, I was reawakened by a ‘2 second nightmare’ or a nightmarish vision (or occasionally a ‘2 second dream’, not a nightmare). Stupidly, I didn’t think of doing the tapping right away. I did it about 10 o’clock, after a rather nightmar- ish feeling since I got up at 6:35, and it has helped. Thank you for your support. :)” Four days later “I had no nightmare last night! Just some light-hearted dreams! Thank you.” I asked if I can quote his emails for this book half a year later, and this was his answer: Six months later “I hope you are well. Of course you can quote me!
 I still have nightmares from time to time (I suppose everybody does) but they fade when I awake – nothing like what I went through before you helped me, when they were continual and continuous – lasting into, and often throughout, my waking days. And when I occasionally feel too much anxiety, or panic, I do the tapping and get serenity again. Thank you again, so much.” (Excerp from the book “ResolvingYesterday”authored by GunillaHamneand UlfSandstrom)