Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 2 (August 1 2017) | Page 26

• Talking about her parent’s separation she said “they both had ego issues, each wanted to prevail and eventually got it too, but in the quest for their dreams and independence, I became the sole causality”. • Her insecurities arose for her deep fear of losing people close to her. • She had been into multiple relationships from a very early age and felt that she had always been searching someone who actually loved her, as she always wanted to have someone around her at any cost, simply because after her parents separation, with her father gone and mother busy earning, she felt ‘very lonely and inadequate’ compared to her friends; • She told that probably the absence of a father-figure was the reason that she tended to be attracted to a lot of men much elder to her; • Reflecting she told that in her quest for friends, companions and peer- acceptance she had started drinking and got indulged in so many ‘wrong-things’ from an early age, which even she felt was something she should have avoided; • She told that maybe it was the fear of loosing her friends that she agreed to try and indulge into many things which she otherwise may have never done, as for her friends were more precious than anything in the world; After a lot of heartfelt talk we decided to go in for a session and she was eager to resolve these issues and heal herself. Initially it was a little difficult to relax her but slowly she drifted to a deep trance and what she narrated was an interesting yet sad insight into the mind of a lonely sacred child who felt so vulnerable and unloved: