Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 2 (August 1 2017) | Page 22

past life, especially when the last thought in that life was, “I’ll never starve again.” I’ve also seen the then socially-acceptable practice of bulimic vomiting at Roman orgies being carried over into the present life as a repeating pattern. Anorexia may also be linked to past life beliefs about the body as ‘bad’ and sexuality as sinful and can link into past life sexual abuse. Fashion can also play a part. In 19 th century England, for instance, many girls starved themselves in order to achieve the then fashionably desirable 18 inch waist. 3. Addictions If a person dies with the thought “There will never be enough of something” or wanting more of something, then they may be more likely to come back with an addictive personality. If the thought was, “There will never be enough love,” then the addiction may be to relationships and what passes for “love”; if it was “money”, then the addiction is to material goods – for instance, the miser hoarding his wealth. On the other hand, that person may still be stuck in poverty consciousness. Believing that there will never be enough money is often enough to ensure that there never is! Alcohol addiction may be linked to the practice of giving alcohol to deaden the pain of surgery in the days before chemical anesthetics. In battle conditions a bottle would be passed around to patients waiting for the surgeon to perform the operation. This person might die with the thought: “There won’t be enough for me.” People with this kind of strong desire, particularly when they died in a wartime situation, often seem to reincarnate quickly, bringing the potential for the dependency back into the body. Some drug addictions continually re-run an earlier dependency on medicine, sleeping pills, or “nerve tonics” (as they used to be called). Laudanum was very popular as a pain killer in the 1800s. In some cultures, drugs were routinely used as either sedatives or as spiritual aids. Other addicts may be replaying an opium addiction. In the 19 th Century, thousands of Chinese were