• See and feel this light as it flows down into your Heart
Chakra, and then travels through all your chakras (energy
centers) and healing you.
• Greet your crystal as you open yourself to its energy.
• Allow the connection to strengthen, and the energy to flow
freely between it and you.
• You can hold it directly to your Heart or Crown Chakra, or lie
down and place it on your Heart, Third Eye, or Crown
• You may hold two of them one in each of your hand and sit
in meditation while gently rubbing your thumb or finger at
their grooves or bars, gently push at points you feel more
connected in your touch. Keep your eyes closed and focus
on your breath, experience is amazing.
• Continue working with your crystal, as you feel called to. It
will guide you with love.
Light workers specially find it fascinating,
Let the light and Love and light of Love flow through everything.
Love & Light.
Varsha Dwivedi
-Clinical Hypnotherapist
-Past life regression Therapist
-Life between Lives therapist,
-Crystal Healer,
-Tarot Reader,
-NLP Trainer to the Coaches
-Master Practitioner and coach of NLP
(Neuro Linguistic Programming)
& Subconscious Re – imprinting,
-Marma “Vedic Science” Therapist
Email: [email protected]