their life for good. So I put my foot down that until he’ll do as recommended
to him in his trance I’ll not book next session. So he agreed to it. He wanted
that either I or his Guru should do some miracle so that everything gets
better in his life without him putting any effort.
Then I thought about suicide … how lightly people take it, for them it’s an
escape route not any courageous act. Though I always feel, taking your
own life needs lots of courage because it means you are not scared of
death and if, you are not scared of death means nothing is impossible for
you as what maximum can happen to you … DEATH and you are not
scared of it, ten go ahead take those decision which you thought were
impossible, Do something which you have never done before Live before
you die. You will live happy and die happy.
Neha Sharma.
Lucknow, India
Clinical Hypnotherpist
Past Life regression Therapist.
Life between Lives Therapist.
Crystal Healer.
Email: [email protected]