Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 26
which gives an immense boost to his or her evolution at all levels,
specially the awareness about our true nature, beyond the limits of
our physical body. This awareness about one’s real spiritual nature
gives a manifold boost to his/her ‘Journey’ of self-exploration, as
shared by Client not just after the session but in weeks and
months later too.
So hypnotherapy, in its simple and comfortable way has the
power and effectiveness, not just to heal, reform and resolve
routine physical and behavioral issues but can also be a beacon to
guide and aid us in our evolutionary journey, the real and true
journey we all are on births-after-births - our ‘Soul Journey’.
May our Soul’s journey be ‘Blessed’ and ‘Aware’!
Love and Light
Today and Always.
A. Prakash
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Past Life Regression Therapist
Life between Lives Therapist
Spiritual Hypnotherapist
Email: [email protected]