Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 24

direct and critical impact on our physical body. It’s owing to this connection that balance and harmony of our Chakras is critical to our overall wellbeing – a reason why so many meditative process, breathing exercises and spiritual practices focus on energizing and harmonizing our Chakras. Once during the therapy session with a client, the aspect of Chakra Balancing and Energizing ones energy centers came up, and in view of the issue we were working with, we decided to explore the Chakras and energy channels. So after requisite deepening and relaxation cycles, once the client was in a very deep state of trance and blissfully relaxed, the client was guided to slowly become ‘Aware’ and ‘ Connected’ to the ‘Central Energy Channel’, that connects the seven Chakras namely: 1. Mulaadhaar or the Root Chakra, located at the base of our spine; 2. Swadhisthaan or the Sacral Chakra, located few inches above the base of the spine in the lower abdominal region; 3. Manipoor or the Solar Plexes, located near our Navel Centre; 4. Anaahat or the Heart Chakra, located in the central region of our Chest; 5. Vishuddhi or the Throat Chakra, located in the Throat region; 6. Aagyan or the Third Eye, located in the region between our eye brows; and lastly 7. Sahastrar or the Crown Chakra, located at the top of our Head. We started our ‘Journey’, from the base of the spine, that is the Mooladhaar or the Root chakra. Using a mix of several modalities and technique like astral awareness; miniaturization; energization etc. we connected with the ‘Root Chakra’ and the client could ‘See’ the structure, movement, colour, and even hear the vibrational sound of the Chakra in vivid detail. Using the talking to the Sub-conscious Protocol’, we evaluated the health and overall wellbeing of the Chakra and checked for any aberration if any, which needed healing.