Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 20

Release of Unwanted Emotions and Hypnotherapy In all our relationships when they get rancid , bitter words become norms. And we really do not know what to do about it, and then we need help. Because they create negative emotions , like ‘Anger’, ‘ Resentment’, ‘Hurt’, ‘Sadness’, ‘Fear’, etc…… Discord with Parents, Siblings, Friends, Boss or Colleague and partner, even with your Ex. Yes! We may move away physically but the impressions we carry in the form of these emotions are always deep and have a very high chance to manifest themselves into physical or mental ailments. They may come as obesity unexplained pain, stress, depression, allergies even chronic diseases. Every individual carries them in different form. Yes, a few of us really do not mind things too much and learnt that precious art of ‘Let Go”. They are usually very healthy and happy people. Now take ANGER: According to Aurveda, excessive anger adversely affect ‘Liver’ Resulting in Headache, Diarrhea, Pain in Joints, etc… When Anger remains for long time and not been expressed or released in other appropriate way. It may turn into various skin ailments, which, may vary from little itchy allergies to leprosy.