Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 18

7. Find ways to bring more joy into your life. What makes you happy? What do you enjoy doing? Maybe it’s time to revive some of your old passions? Expand your interests and find a new hobby. 8. Get physical. Physical activities help to balance our body and boost production of feel good hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Pick a list of activities that you enjoy and alternate so you don’t get bored. Walking, running, yoga, dancing, playing tennis, swimming. You should be active for at least half an hour, and optimally one hour, every day. 9. Physical contact is very important. Humans need to be touched. We need it as much as we need food. Prolonged hugging boosting good hormones and harmonizes our mind and body. Get more physical contact with your intimate partner even if it does not involve sex. Looking into each other’s eyes, holding hands and hugging, skin-to- skin contact can do miracles for your sense of well-being and health in general. If you are single, make sure to get massage regularly. Self-massage can provide some of the benefits too. 10. The meaning of life is to live with the meaning. Find a purpose. Whatever that may mean to you. Focusing on your family, taking care of people you love. Your career. Your education. Knowledge. Spiritual growth. 11. I am inviting you to look at the addiction differently. What if your addiction is just a bonding. Yes, just like you would bond with your loved ones, bond with your lovers, bond with your friends, you can bond to your career, to your interests, hobbies… It is natural for humans to build bonds. When you do not have enough of those beautiful happy bonds, you have this void to fill, and that is when some of us reach out to alcohol, smoking, drugs, overeating, shopping compulsively and gambling. So, create more healthy bonds, so you leave no space for unhealthy ones.