Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 12, (1 June 2018) | Page 16

• Stage 2 starts 24-72 hours after the last drink. High blood pressure, fever, unusual heart rate, headache, and confusion. • Stage 3 starts 72 hours after the last drink. Hallucinations, fever, seizures, and anxiety. All symptoms will decrease within 5-7 days even if untreated. Now, this is where hypnosis can help: Managing the stress and mood swings; managing pain; managing nausea; managing sleep. With hypnosis, we can eliminate the cravings and the desire to drink. Hypnosis can help to resolve some old traumas, people tend to reach for alcohol to numb that pain. If any traumas left undealt with, the pain will demand more numbing whether with alcohol or drugs. Drinking is a way of self-medicating, and what is the person is trying to medicate - this is what really needs to be worked on in order to stop drinking. With hypnosis, we can reprogram the mind. Crucial part of the process is building up self-value, self-assurance, and confidence. We can create a new self-image and mold it into, who the person wants to become. I am sharing the tips that can help your clients on their journey to recovery. I actually email this list to my clients prior our first appointment. Usually, they do have some questions about these suggestions, and we go over them in the office. The tips for successful alcohol cessation: 1. Get honest with yourself. Who you are now and who do you want to become? Look at your life. Is this how you want to live? If not, decide what kind of life do you want for yourself. Make clear goals and make decisions. Then your subconsciousness will know in what directions to move. Your goals are like a lighthouse in the dark night always showing you the right way.