Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue - 11, 1 May 2018 | Page 27
one find the solution to problems and situations that seem
unsolvable, which many times is seen within relationships. This is
the ultimate relationship stone to help with healing processes for
those who wish for true healing to be done.
The beautiful, straw gold, glistening strands of Rutile have also
been called Angel hair. When holding a Rutilated Quartz peace
comes over the bearer and sometimes a sense of power is
charged within the solar plexus. This is done to such a degree that
the one holding the stone may feel as if they could indeed rule the
world, in a very loving way of course! This perhaps may be the
reason it is called Angel hair as it assists the bearer in feeling as if
there is nothing that is impossible and they are guided and
guarded unconditionally.
The Rutilated Quartz has been known to repel negative energy
working much like a shield. If negative energy finds its way past
the shielding then it is caught much like bad dreams caught in a
dreamcatcher. It is then dissipated or sealed up until the crystal
can be cleansed. In physical healing this crystal, at one point in
history, was ground up and used as a type of poultice for wounds.
It also historically has been known to help one understand the
reasons behind the acquisition of dis-eases; therefore, giving one
access to information that can be used to help one find healing.
Some say that the Rutilated Quartz aids the understanding of
advanced civilizations that give us insight into the cooperation
among peoples of the world today.
This crystal is very important for balance and emotional calming
especially when stressed by groups of people as the bearer will
feel more “in tune” with those around them. This is an important
stone for the new age to come as we all learn how to live, work
and play on a planet which cannot be ruled over but instead must
be shared in cooperation.
Rutilated Quartz Crystal is a great crystal tool for artists or writers
as it may be helpful in receiving and directing spiritual inspiration
for creative projects.
In crystal body layouts or healing grids, Rutilated Quartz facilitates
the opening of the Auric field to allow healing. Rutilated Quartz