Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 2, Issue 10, 1 April 2018 | Page 9

and feel rising/ floating, out of the physical body. The client reported being afloat, as if floating like a ‘Light Body’ , above the physical self, which was lying fully, relaxes in the recliner. The light or the astral body, was connected as if tethered, with a shimmering cord of light, to the physical body. This cord was connecting from, the navel of the physical body. In this state, the client reported, feeling totally expanded and free, to move anywhere at the speed of thought. Subsequently we travel, to a few locations astraly, while being fully safe, within the four walls of our room. The client’s experience, was that of amazing clarity and deep understanding, about the nature of our consciousness, and how we though limited, in our physical bodies are, unlimited or actually limitless. We ended the session, with affirmations and anchor to imbibe it, as a conscious experience, and the client in following months reported, having had similar experiences alone, while meditating, and also in trance, of semi dream like state, during mild slumber. The case, like many other similar cases, gave me an insight, into the potential of , using hypnotherapy, to aid enhancement of client’s level, of perceptions and consciousness, to go beyond the self imposed limits of our five senses, and truly become the limitless conscious versions ,of our selves!!! Love and Light – today and always May we all expand and be limitless. A. Prakash Clinical Hypnotherapist Past Life Regression Therapist Life between Lives Therapist Spiritual Hypnotherapist Email: [email protected]