Traumas or the effect of Past Lives
Hans VanTiem, author of Exploring Reincarnation and a
researcher in the field, posits a number of what he calls “Karmic
Repercussions”. A Karmic Repercussion can be defined as a
consequence or an effect of an event or situation in a Past Life that
is influencing the present life. However, this plethora of
repercussions can essentially be reduced to two fundamental
ones; traumas and hangovers. Let’s look at them:
Traumas. These are unhealed wounds left by a terrible experience
of physical or emotional pain. The repercussions of traumatic
experiences reveal themselves in psychosomatic complaints,
phobias, complexes, nightmares, compulsions and obsessions.
The worst, most extreme traumatic experience is that of
being slowly tortured to death or of watching a person whom you
love being tortured to death. Less terrible traumatic experiences
are frightful and painful deaths, such as being attacked by a wild
animal, dying in combat and violent accidents. Other horrors might
be the sudden loss of a family member, a spouse who dies in
flames, a child hit by a car, a sister who is sold into slavery. Some
recurring traumas in Past Life Regressions are witches and