I ' ve seen some of my clients making a progress , otherwise , would only possible through years of conventional therapy .
Having seen clients daily for hypnosis , I am seeing over and over again how different we all are even in relation to hypnosis . Some of us are very open and even adventurous when it comes to hypnosis . Some of people understand that hypnosis is an effective modality and are willing to try with hopes that it may help to bring about positive changes . And there are always people that are not so open to hypnosis . There is still to this day a veil of mystery covers hypnosis . There are still a lot of misconceptions about what we do as hypnotists .
Even though , you may diligently educate your clients and deliver a proper pre-talk , there are occasionally the clients that are still will be terrified of losing control and will be resisting you during the hypnosis session . That is when my trusty Tarot deck comes to help .
The Tarot spread will indeed reflect your life . Most of all , it will reflect your inner world , your challenges , your beliefs . It ’ s like having your emotions , thoughts , behavior patterns manifested physically and documented in the form of Tarot symbols . It ’ s sort of like doing psychoanalysis in pictures . Once the client has his life spread out before his eyes , there is no more denying . We analyze what ’ s happening , the roots of the challenges , and , usually , the client on his own will come up with the right solution .
When I read the spread , card by card , I wait for the client ’ s validation . For example : “ Yes , it ’ s true , I ’ ve been sabotaging myself by not finishing any of my projects .” I then take his words and reframe : “ Yes , you ’ ve sabotaging yourself by not finishing your projects up to now . Up to this moment , you have not been able to finish any of your projects , but it ’ s only up to this moment . Starting now , this is not true anymore . It is the part of your past now . In fact , probably by the time you live my office , you won ’ t even remember about that part of you . The part of you that was sabotaging you . It is gone now …”
And I would continue working my way through each card . You can reframe each limiting belief or fear in one card spread . You can help painful memories to fade . You can create detachment from the past lovers . You can create a clear picture of the future and work up the action plan . I found