Spirit Entanglement & Release- A Case Study
Soul ’ s departure at the point of ‘ Physical Death ’ has been discussed and elaborated upon in most cultures and traditions across the globe . The common theme broadly being : Physical death followed by soul ’ s ‘ Exit ’ from the physical body , after which the soul moves / migrates to another realm , wherein the soul ‘ Rests / Prepares ’ for the next incarnation , and lastly soul ’ s re-birth in a new physical body and so on so forth , the cycle of life and death continues .
2 . At the same time all cultures and traditions also talk about soul ’ s , which get ‘ Stuck ’ or are unable to move to the other realm , and continue being around in ‘ Earth Realm ’. Few common features reported by ‘ Spirit Communicators ’ indicate that time ‘ as we know ’ in Earth realm becomes stagnant for these souls i . e . they are stuck in ‘ the moment ’ when they left their physical body , most souls so ‘ Stuck ’ had sudden unnatural deaths , a lot of souls carrying strong emotions like anger , hatred , greed etc . too get stuck as the ‘ Dense ’ vibrations of such strong emotions ‘ Tie Them Down ’ and they are unable to move to Light .
3 . There are tales and narratives across cultures that how few of these , ‘ Stuck Souls ’ ‘ Roam Around ’ or haunt the Earth Realm . They at times ‘ entangle ’ with those still alive . Such entanglements can be accidental ( wherein a soul accidentally interacts with an individual ’ s “ Energy Field ’), intentional ( wherein a soul ‘ Hooks ’ to an individual ’ s “ Energy Body ’ for a specific purpose / design of its own , and lastly the cases where a soul is ‘ Forced ’ by an individual to infect / hook another individual for specific personal gains / agenda .
4 . Saddest state of affairs is of the third category of ‘ Spirits ’, those who have been ‘ Captured ’ by individuals who do witchcraft , Dark Tantra etc . for their own personal agendas . These individuals can communicate with these souls , and keep them in ‘ Captivity ’ and make them do their bidding . These souls , which are in captivity , exist in constant fear , confinement and misery . A lot of times they are made to do things against their will and natural tendencies .