with your eyes closed in a leather chair ( if you are with me that ' s what you will be sitting in ), with that very same smile . Imagine ... floating in over you and then landing in yourself in the same way you might step into a pair of well worn shoes that fit so perfectly ... and when you are completely in yourself now and here and you can feel that smile , you can
1 , take a moment , 2 , as I count to five and you will emerge on the other side of this experience , 3 , feeling the changes , 4 , noticing , and remember some time if you as a child ran down to water and jumped in , or saw somebody do it , that feeling when you take a leap of faith and smile 5 , now !"
Ulf Sandström is a mental trainer and hypnotherapist who is extremely curious about , what makes us tick . Tock ? He works as a complementary therapist with in-depth knowledge and experience of principles , methods and procedures for treatment of a large variety of symptoms of emotional stress and trauma ; including flashbacks , addiction , chronic pain , cognitive dissonance , IBS , GAD , COD , grief , rumination and sleep .
With the Peaceful Heart Network he works with First Aid for emotional and traumatic stress in zones of post-conflict such as :
Rwanda , D . R . Congo and Lesbos , Greece . Read more at : www . ulfsandstrom . com , www . peacefulheart . se www . selfhelpfortrauma . org .