His father is a very good and deep subject . I have some previous experiences with him too .
He went in to deep trance and when we called that child he ( his father ) saw a beautiful golden tree . And a Man ’ s shape made of Golden light sitting beneath it . When asked reply came that ’ s your son . We asked that Light which has a shape of men as to who you are . Answer came I am the son you invited here . We asked as to how should I address you . Answer was :
What is the name of Light but Light . And before we knew the whole scene was vanished and there was a big burst of sparkling White Light in the “ third eye region ” of Client . ( As reported by him .)
I asked the permission to talk to Light , which was generously granted .
Now we have got some beautiful inferences given by the divine we got connected with in this session .
What insight he gave about that little son we will summarize it
When I ask what was the meaning of that scene . And if he is the one why is he suffering so and , going through so much pain .
The Light answered : He has come not only for his learning but , for you all . This condition is to give his parents , their extended families and people around him an experience . A lesson which , is needed to be learned . His journey will not be affected by it . It is just an experience - A lesson which , is needed to learn .
His journey will not be affected by it . It is just an experience and it will pass , Just do your part . Part , what humans do in their roles …. Supporting him , be caring to him as parents and go by the usual medication process . He will be fine . For his Therapists ( Healer ) parents this experience is to help them evolve and have a direct understanding at a deep personal level ,