Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1, Issue 8, (1 February 2017) | Page 23

As I felt out of questions , out of words and at the same time totally blessed I realized she is leaving . I asked her when would be the next time I would get to connect with her , she said “ Do not worry , Arunima will visit you when I have to talk to you . Rest assured I am always with you and I am never too busy to not come to you .”
These words made me feel so humble and all I could do was feel supremely grateful and stare at Arunima in disbelief and bring her up and out of trance . “ I have been waiting for you ” these words keep ringing in me even in sleep . I feel elated with so much of love showered upon me . God bless all of us … Om Tat Sat …
Ambika Warrier Clinical Hypnotherapist , EFT Tapping Practitioner
Email : ambikawarrier @ gmail . com