Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -1, Issue 7, 1 January 2017 | Page 7

Once we landed on one unwanted emotion / sensation to be stronger than every other , we did what I call an affect bridge - I asked the client to intensify the unwanted feeling ( which often is easier than making it go away ) and then following it back to other events in life that resonate with that very same feeling - looking for connected triggers , memories and situations .
I noted that the client found it easy to focus inwards and elicited some subconscious responses - ideomotor calibration of yes / no signals from the fingers of the hands . I used these to ask permission to find the message involved in the unwanted symptoms and to resolve whatever was necessary to make them diminish .
At one point the emotional responses ( or the pain ) became so strong it blocked further work and when I asked about it the client had an idea about specific life events that may have been involved in creating this pain . When the client indicated a connection to them I switched over to do the Trauma Tapping Technique ( TTT ) for these events in combination with face Havening with Havening Techniques ®, stroking in patterns over the face around 4 minutes until the symptoms disappeared .
At the same time I used the technique of Swish-patterns from Neuro Linguistic Programming ( NLP ) to move the visual memories associated with the events into a different position in the visuospatial scratchpad of the clients working memory and making them " foggy " - which seemed to be what the client needed to do for those memories to become harmless . This is an example of working simultaneously top-down ( NLP instruction ) and bottom-up ( Havening the nervous system responses ) which is something I find very efficient and that Bessel Van Der Kolk often recommends .
From here we moved into an interesting visualization and metaphor , a soul centered part release in the spirit of Dr Zinser ( Soul Centered Healing ). In trance she visualized visiting her heart and panicked . It was dead and dark brown and literally scared the shit out of her . After a succession of interventions she did not dare " look again " and we pinned the age of her reaction around 6 years according to her . We moved on to establish a safety mechanism " that her subconscious was certain would be enough " ( I never found out what it was ) and she subsequently dared to revisit her heart which then " regressed back to the wiggly heart of a young girl " she said " its my heart as if all of my life never happened ".
We reinstalled this new heart and allowed it to " grow back to now " as in her current age , which went well . We then brought her back to every experience where she previously had reacted negatively , now armed with her new heart - and it worked fine . We also took her into the future , into her 117th birthday - here I usually ask my clients to ask themselves , once that they are sure that life