Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -1, Issue 7, 1 January 2017 | Page 4

What is Hypnotherapy ?
For those - who are unaware of this beautiful medium of healing .
" A therapy which find solution into a human being ' s own mind . Every human being is unique so their problems too come from unique reasons of their own life . Here to get to the problem we choose hypnosis as a tool which helps us to open the subconscious mind of the client and find solutions . Now what is hypnosis . Well this is a state of mind where conscious mind sometimes gets too occupied to manage everything and subconscious mind takes over . Everyone experience this state naturally , many times in a day . People go in and come out of mild trance many a times a day without realizing it , like when we watch T . V . , during working hours when we multitask for a long time , while dealing with one important thing when we bombarded with many other instant requirement we reach to somewhat close state of it .
There are many times in a day when hypnosis happen . which means it is safe .
Here in therapy we induce this state to a deeper level before we begin our journey to find roots related to the issue , presented by client . And according to the need we take help from many of the therapy tools available in Hypnotherapy for us . Like inner child work , cord cutting , Hypno drama , Past life regression as required and Future progression if needed . are few to name . Once we are finished with the therapy part and want to bring client back from trance ; we have a proper procedure to make conscious mind take over again .
Our conscious brain is the brain which takes decision and remains in control as to what we want to take in what we do not want to collect . it decides for us what is right or what is wrong ; based on , our subconsciously stored previous informations which may be our experiences or believes given to us by our family , friends , books and particular society we live in .
When we sleep we store all our informations , reflections and whatever we have collected during the day to our subconscious mind and rejuvenate our conscious mind again by leaving it free to again be fresh , free and ready to deal with other day ' s challenges .
Difference between Sleep and Hypnotic State
The difference between sleep and hypnotic state is very simple when we sleep our conscious mind is asleep only subconscious is awake . while in Hypnotic trance our conscious and subconscious both are awake ; and conscious mind witnesses all proceedings . However the control is with the subconscious .