Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 6, (I December2016) | Page 15

become aware of the ethereal body. When the dream ends, deep sleep ensues; when the seeds of thought perish, you are liberated. In liberation the seeds of thought do not exist: if the liberated sage appears to live and to think, he only appears to do so, like a burnt cloth lying on the floor. This is, however, not like deep sleep or unconsciousness, in both of which the seeds of thought lie hidden. By persistent practice (abhyasa) egotism is quietened. Then you will naturally rest in your consciousness: and the perceived universe heads towards the vanishing point. What is called practice? Thinking of that alone, speaking of that, conversing of that with one another, utter dedication to that one alone – this is called abhyasa or practice by the wise. When one’s intellect is filled with beauty and bliss, when one’s vision is broad, when passion for sensual enjoyment is absent in one – that is practice. When one is firmly established in the conviction that this universe has never even been created, and therefore it does not exist as such, and when thoughts like ‘This is world, this I am’ do not arise at all in one – this is abhyasa or practice. It is then that attraction and repulsion do not arise; the overcoming of attraction and repulsion by the use of will force is austerity, not wisdom. (At this stage, evening set in; and the court dispersed. Early next morning the court assembled, and Vasistha continued his discourse.) VASISTHA continued: O Rama, Sarasvati and Queen Lila immediately set in deep meditation or nirvikalpa Samadhi. They have risen above body-consciousness. Because they had given up all notions of the world, it had completely vanished in their consciousness. They roam freely in their wisdom-bodies. Though it seemed that they had travelled millions of miles in space, they were still in the same ‘room’ but on another plane of consciousness. They saw all that was already in the mind of Sarasvati and which Sarasvati wanted to show to Queen Lila. Having seen the Oceans, mountains, the protector of the Universe, the kingdom of the gods, the sky and the very bowels of the earth, Lila saw her own house. VASISTHA continued: O Rama, the two ladies then entered into the holy man’s house. The whole family was in mourning. On account of their grief the house itself had a depressing atmosphere. By the practice of yoga of pure wisdom Lila had acquired that faculty by which her thoughts instantly materialized. She wished, “These, my relations, should see me and Sarasvati as if we were ordinary womenfolk.” They appeared so to the mourning family. But the two ladies were of supernatural radiance which dispelled the gloom that pervaded the house. They asked the eldest son of the departed holy couple: “Tell us the