Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 6, (I December2016) | Page 11

intense, without any hypocrisy or artificiality. One day, the queen Lila thought: “the most handsome king who is my husband is dearer to me than even my own life. What should I do in order that he and I may live forever enjoy the pleasures of life? I shall immediately undertake such Austerities as the holy ones would suggest in order that I may fulfill my ambition.” She sought the counsel of the holy ones, who said to her: O queen, austerities or penance, repetition of mantra and a disciplined life will surely bestow upon you all that it is possible for one to attain in this world; but physical immortality is not possible of attainment in this world!” Lila begins to propitiate the goddess Sarasvati (Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom & all art forms in Vedic Culture {Culture which described in Veda's and followed in part amongst Hindus}) immediately, without even discussing this project with her husband. The goddess Sarasvati appeared before her and granted her the boons of her choice. Lila prayed “O Divine Mother, grant me two boons: (1) when my husband departs from his body, let his jiva (Atma or Soul) remain in the palace, and (2) whenever I pray to you, let me see you.” Sarasvati granted these two boons and disappeared. Time inexorably passed. King Padma, who was mortally wounded on the battlefield, died in the palace. Queen Lila was inconsolable with grief. When she was thus sunk in grief the ethereal voice of Sarasvati said: “My child, cover the King’s dead body with flowers; then it will not decay. He will not leave the palace. (Lila asked her: “Pray, tell me where my husband is.”) “O Lila, there are three types of space – the psychological space, the physical space and the infinite space of consciousness. Of these the most subtle is the infinite space of consciousness. By intense meditation on this infinite space of consciousness you can see and experience the presence of one (like your husband) whose body is that infinite space, even though you do not see him here. That is the infinite space which exists in the middle when the finite intelligence travels from one place to another; for it is infinite. If you give up all thoughts you will here and now attain to the realization of oneness with all. Normally only he who has realized the utter non-existence of the universe can experience this; but you will do so by my grace.” VASISTHA continued: Lila began to meditate. Immediately she entered the highest state of consciousness free from all distractions (nirvikalpa). She was in the infinite space of consciousness. There she saw the king once again, on a throne, surrounded by many kings who adored him – but they did not see her. She wondered: are they all dead too! Again by the grace of goddess Sarasvati, she came back to her palace, and saw her attendants asleep. She woke the