Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 6, (I December2016) | Page 13

Sometime after this the holy man grew old and then death overtook him. His wife, who was highly devoted to him, prayed to me and asked for the same boon that you have asked for: that her husband’s spirit should not leave her house. I granted her that boon. Though that holy man was an ethereal being, on account of the power of his constant wish during the previous life-span he became a mighty king and ruled over a great empire which resembled heaven on earth. Arundhati had also given up her body and attained reunion with her husband. It is eight days since this happened. Lila, it is the same holy man who is now your husband, the king; and you are the same Arundhati who was his wife. On account of ignorance and delusion it seems that all this takes place in the infinite consciousness, though in reality nothing happens. I do not utter falsehood, but am telling the truth. It sounds incredible but this kingdom appears to be only in the hut of the holy man on account of his desire for a kingdom. The memory of the past is hidden, and you two have risen again. Death is but waking from a dream. Birth which arises from a wish is no more real than the wish, like waves in a mirage! Even after the ‘creation’ of all this in the holy man’s house, it remained as it was before. Indeed, in every atom there are worlds within worlds. LILA asked: O Goddess, you said that it was only eight days ago that holy man had died; and yet my husband and I have lived for a long time. How can you reconcile this discrepancy? SARASVATI said: O Lila, just as space does not have a fixed span, time does not have a fixed span either. Just as the world and its creation are mere appearances, a moment and an epoch are also imaginary, not real. In the twinkling of an eye the jiva undergoes the illusion of the death –experience, forgets what happened before that, and in the infinite consciousness thinks ‘I am this’ etc. and ‘I am his son, I am so many years old’ etc. Even as in a dream, death and relationship all in a very short time. And even as a lover feels that a single night without his beloved is an epoch, the jiva thinks of experienced and non-experienced objects in the twinkling of an eye. And immediately thereafter, he imagines those things (the world) to be real. Even those things, which he had not experienced nor seen, present themselves before him as in a dream. This world and this creation is nothing but memory, dream: distance and measures of time (like a moment and an age) are all hallucinations. This is one kind of knowledge – memory. There is another which is not based on memory of past experiences. This is the fortuitous meeting of atoms in consciousness which are then able to produce their own effects.