Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 5, (I November 2016) | Page 7

Legs & Feet: stiffness, swollen ankles, leg ulcers are manifestation of needing to escape or run away. Stomach : digestive disorders come from suppressed emotions such as bitterness, resentment, and anger. In many cases, this “dis-ease” of the soul manifests in a current life as cancer cells in the physical body due to unprocessed emotional energy. Sexual dysfunctions: feeling of sexual inadequacy, impotence, lack of bladder control , could be due to guilt or fear from past-life sexual trauma . It could be also linked to religious beliefs or cults. Skin: eczema, acne, hives, rashes may be symptomatic of the need to “get out of your skin ”. Often these skin eruptions are from emotional pain still stored deep inside. Anorexia & Bulimia could be symptomatic of current problems such as lack of self-worth . Past-life origination could come from rejection from a parent or a lover. The emotional impact of abandonment may manifest a desire to literally waste away. Obesity can be rooted in a strong desire to build a physical barrier to isolate or protect self from the danger or society . Many victims of abuse and rape unconsciously gain weight. These people have a deep need for protection, both – physical and emotional . It may also originate from a traumatic experience of malnutrition or starvation in former life. People would often obsess over food so that they never have to feel pain of hunger or starve to death again. Addictions : lack of self -love . Gratification by use of drugs , alcohol , sex , shopping, food, gambling may come from deprivation or fear of loss in previous life. People may have an all-consuming urge to make sure they “have enough” this time around. Depression: some people feel sad and depressed without any identifiable cause for their condition. If in a past-life you suffered a traumatic loss or an extremely traumatic experience, you may feel helpless and hopeless. Insecurity takes on many forms with the most common being the “fear of commitment”. If in a past-life you were abandoned, you may now need a lot of affection. This often leads to a series of short-term relationships or staying with abusive partners so that you never have to be alone again.