Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 5, (I November 2016) | Page 18
'It' can even perceive the emotions and thoughts of the parents as well of
family members or people in 'Its' immediate surroundings;
The Soul 'Learns ' and 'Absorbs ', all that 's happening around and these
imprints get deeply imprinted within the 'Consciousness' of the child, going a
long way to shape the course of 'Its' whole lifetime;
The Soul has power to make 'Amends' and 'Adjustments ' in 'Its' 'Life's BluePrint ', based on the perceptions and inputs 'It' receives /gathers from the
environment around, including but not limited to the sate of mother's 'MindBody-Soul', and the vibrations of father, family members and people around.
For most of my clients the experience of life within their mother's womb had
been deeply emotional and realistic. Even the most skeptic ones could 'Feel'
and 'Know' that how 'Real' the whole experience and its awareness is.In most
of the cases they come out of trance with detailed vivid memories of the
experience and lots of specific verifiable tit-bits of information, like the specific
dress wore by