Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 5, (I November 2016) | Page 13
Objective vs Subjective experience
After deletion, distortion or generalization, the event is presented or stored as
an experience or inner perception in our subconscious mind . This inner
perception is our personal perception of the event , and it may not have
anything to with the real event , as it has formed after either or distortion or
generalization. Any event in outer world is the ‘objective’ experience, while the
inner imprints of that event is the ‘subjective ’ experience of ours . And this
subjective experience of the same event will certainly be different for different
people . This is why one event may give pain to one person and pleasure to
another one ; while some may not feel anything at all . This subjective
experience is known as ‘subconscious imprints’
The objective of healing yourself
These imprints are responsible for the emotional state we are in. Our bad or
unresourceful emotional state is responsible for putting our body in fight or flight
mode wherein our body releases various chemicals that are further responsible
for the higher levels of sugar, high blood pressure and suppressed immunity. In
case our body is passing through this fight or flight mode, it is the reason of our
physical diseases.
What we need to do is, to take care of these subconscious imprints that are,
responsible for unwanted emotional states. These states are further defined by
the healers as ‘unresolved issues’, ‘unfinished agenda’ or ‘stuck state’. Today,
the world has witnessed wonderful mind techniques that can help us to address
these subconscious imprints . One of such technologies is known as Neuro
Linguistic Programming or NLP. Various techniques of NLP can help us get the
desired outcome . Here is some insight as to how NLP can be used . You can
watch this video and help yourself to enjoy issueless mind and disease free
Ram Verma,
leading NLP SubConscious ReImprinting coach.