Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 4, (I October 2016) | Page 3
What is Past Life, do we have any previous lives or this is the only life we have
….? Complicated question, so we will start it with proving there are past lives.
When a kid is born and little, almost most of us noticed sometimes, when you
play particular songs kids get emotional; reason unknown to us sometimes they
even start crying, whenever play that particular song kid will react the same
way (this is one example from kids around me … don’t think all the kids will
react on songs only, they might react on something else), so why is it so … this
kid has just arrived in this world may be few days and month old and in such a
short span of his life from where he picked up those emotions and expressions,
there has to be a longer time than this & that longer time of his life can only be
in his past but he has no past then we are left with only probability that there is
previous life.
One more example of GOD Gifted people who since childhood are
extraordinary mathematician, musician and Artist etc. they have level of skill &
knowledge that is difficult to attain in one life time for most of us but they are
there with that higher level of knowledge how …. Just like that , No they also
worked really hard for longer time then you can imagine, may be in their
previous birth or many lives from their past.
Now when there are past lives then there must be good & bad things in those
lives & everything good or bad leaves a mark on our soul or you can say
memory and we carry those impression in our next births. Deep in our memory
impressions of our all previous lives are stored, some are always active &
continuously effecting our present life some are just lying there waiting for some
kind of trigger (repetition of situation, meeting particular person from past life or
it can be anything related to that memory) sometimes they are good and
sometimes not so good.
When those impressions are not so good they start affecting our life and