Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 3 (1 September 2016) | Page 9
Headache or tendency to carry everything on your own head?
One client came up with the issue of severe & frequent headache however, it wasn’t
migraine yet, quite intense. Once it begins it used to last for 3-4 days.
After many tests doctors were not able understand what exactly was that.
Hence that person came to me for Hypnotherapy. When I started therapy this client was
not able to go deep in trance, so first I did his Crystal Healing, energies of his different
chakras (Seven Vital points in our body) were low and Third eye chakra (or Agya
Chakra) was under attack of negative energy (power of thinking, analyzing & decision
making resides here so attack of negative energy means something in your surrounding
or in your personality is effecting the power of thinking, analyzing, reasoning &
decision making). First with the help of crystals restored energy of Chakras and then
started his therapy through Hypnosis. Now he was in a very deep trance.
When I took him to the source of his problem he began to see a red coloured light.
Interaction with that light revealed, it was anger and the reason that came out as a root
cause of his headache was: Lots of traumatic experiences of his childhood and teenage,
his family situations are still very troublesome.
Somehow, not only 'he' thinks he is the only one responsible to take care of his adult
grown up brother, sisters and dependent parent but his family also feels that he should
take responsibility for them all.
This entire situation had created loads of emotional turbulence and whenever it goes
beyond his capacity to deal with it, these headaches start and then he is completely on
bed for three to four days. Somehow it felt his headache was a defense mechanism to
shut things down before it will reach to its break down.
When we moved further in therapy then I came to know that this anger and headaches
are his protection from those emotional traumas. So first I gave him suggestion in