Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 3 (1 September 2016) | Page 3

From the Desk Love & Blessings a single wish redeems us. Silence & Service a single act has a ripple effect that heals us. It increases trust - it increases joy and peace. Now more than ever and more than anything else we need trust trust, to talk, trust to share, trust to heal and most of all trust to love and feel loved Let's pray to God to heal us to our core, to be able to trust like children do. And, to be able to understand that when someone trusts. "Its not because of stupidity. Its because - He/she sees the capability of beauty within us. We must respect and hold that silver lining to make it grow into the beauty of mankind. This lack of trust is breeding; misunderstanding, stress, unresolved issues, broken relationships….. Leading to various diseases at physical level. Whats worse it generates fear. We are love, fear erodes the very fabric of our being. It stops us from taking chances, shuts those new dreams and hit the most positive thing after Love, our Hope. Lets be trustworthy and hold on to those who value trust more than anything else. With this wish -----Lets enter the world of "Healing and Hypnotherapy" and see what wisdom - what learning and what intriguing insights are waiting for us, to plunge and open the gate of wonderland in the human mind. Or perhaps God resides within us…… this month we have an interesting case accompanied with the testimony of client for infertility treatment. Others dealing with headache, Corn and miraculous healing of hand. What more we have fellow Hypnot sharing her book excerpt with us to shed more light on soulmate.Wow! an interesting view of life between lives scene. And our last piece is most special and intriguing "A dialogue with light" by my mentor and teacher, A through and through enlightening piece. Thank you Varsha Prakash Clinical Hypnotherapist Past life regression therapist Life between lives Therapist Crystal Healer Email: [email protected]