Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 12, (1 june 2017) | Page 9

was about to happen. When things were going well, when she was happy, she started waiting for the “other shoe to fall.” She was Murphy’s Law taken to the extreme. I regressed her to a life in which she was a much loved only child – a real “daddy’s girl”. She was given a horse for her birthday and was ecstatically happy. One day, she jumped onto the horse, scared it, it bolted, and she was thrown and killed. Asked what connection this had with her present life, she said that whenever she was happy she would start to worry. There was always a vague sense of dread. She associated being happy with fear and eventual loss. Her having been killed in a moment of supreme happiness in the other life made sense of her fear. Another client initially came to see me for Hypnotherapy for Memory & Concentration. During the course of his program he happened to mention that he was chronically mistrustful of other people. As he put it, he was always “looking behind him”. He bordered on paranoia. And what made it even more interesting is that he happened to mention a chronic upper back pain condition he had which the Medical Doctors could find no physical reason for. I asked him if he was amenable to trying Past Life Regression Therapy. He told me he was and during the course of the ensuing session he regressed to a life as a fur trapper in Colorado during the mid-1800s. He was involved in a territorial dispute with a tribe of Indians. At a meeting with the tribal elders he and they made what he thought was an agreement. They smoked the peace pipe or whatever it is they do. As he turned to leave, one of the younger Indian warriors snuck up on him and struck him in the back with a Tomahawk. He died a horrible, painful death. Experiencing that, he was able to let go of both the irrational mistrust and the pain. And then there was my student who had first been trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy by me and then went on to take my Past Life Regression and Therapy training. His dream to become a