Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 12, (1 june 2017) | Page 6

was working and the older sister in the kitchen. Per description of the session I got the information that the father was manipulative, rarely showed emotions, and pressed his family to the outmost. Suddenly he fell, and got a heart attack. She got very frightened, cries and screams for help. Felt totally helpless and in shock. Her sister calls mum who in turn calls the ambulance. It was too late. Crying and in shock, hard to breathe, she sits for some time in the grass looking down, noticing the ambulance in the back ground. (in hypnotic shock)We did the work needed to let go, forgive herself and others, remove the emotions etc. Afterwards I showed the subconscious and all parts involved that her feelings had nothing to do with the grass, but with emotional incidents. How it had mistakenly taking that crying, trying to hold back tears, hard to breathe, swollen - it changed drastically. So much that she never took a pill again. (Please always make sure clients have their medication with them at all times, just in case there is another layer of incidents that has not been addressed yet) A month later we met again, and she said, I sneeze once or twice per day, but that’s it. It doesn't bother me but still, I am curious. After looking into it, she had unconsciously kept 3% of the feeling just as a reminder. After some discussion with all parts involved it was decided it wasn't needed and was removed. So looking at this case, one can see that the allergy was in fact just the same reaction to as she had when she was very upset; swollen, eyes watering and feeling hard to breathe properly. Camilla Edborg Hypnotherapist, Soul healer and Mental coach, Sweden, Scandinavia. Certified hypnotherapist of NGH Scandinavian Academy of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (SAHH)
 Clinical hypnosis in Scotland Certified in Reiki and experience with Anusha healing
 Soul Centered healing and Spiritual healing
 Specialization in Soul healing, Spiritual development, Parts-work and regression Co-writer to the book: Hypnotic Women Works internationally Homepage: www.ce-hypnosis.com/om-mig/?lang=en E-mail: [email protected]