Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 12, (1 june 2017) | Page 3
In Love and Gratitude we begin our journey’s 12 th chapter of
Healing and Hypnotherapy. Before we know an year is complete.
Intrigued, Mesmerised, Loved, Spooked, Quizzical, Tensed,
Sometimes even Confused yet always Interesting, that is how this
journey is been so far.
By the look of it, seems we are getting together, we are gathering
to understand that healing is what we want and healing is what is
required. Suppression, is not the answer to any malady or
Thank you Universal Forces,
Dear Camila Edborg, Allergies and their roots to be into past life
is very interesting proposition to check. And your caution, not to go
off pills till its clear up, is very important indeed.
Please Welcome Dr. Bruce E Kaloski, from California and his
very intriguing piece on Past life therapy, Our Journey – ‘Never
Meant to End’ It’s flavor is gentle yet very logical (Past Life
Therapy is based on the Law of Karma. Karma means action. It’s
the principle of cause and effect……………………………..
Remember Newton’s Third Law of Motion? For every action, there
is an equal and opposite reaction.)
Neha Sharma as usual in her own style, giving us a very important
insight through “Why I am with this Man/ Women”. Dear Neha
your cases sure bring out a specific angle to this ages old
match/mismatch challenge J
Please Welcome Gunilla Hamne from Sweden (currently in
Rwanda), with a lovely insight related to the TTT trauma Tapping
technique. Personally it touched my heart for its effect on
criminals, if we can bring out the shine of soul within those
hardened hearts, Love is complete. Thank you Gunilla for sharing
your experience in such detail. A must read piece and a must
tryout one too, since its self-learning page link is there.
Dear Dr. Dheeraj Nanda a pleasure to have you back again with
this not just well researched but practically practiced piece, on how
Mesmerism can be done on tree to take its help to reduce and
remove various ailments and illness. Friends I am sure for healers