Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 12, (1 june 2017) | Page 19

_ I am also a musician, one of the inmates said when we turned off the projector, I will also compose a song for Tapping till next time you come. And he did. And two others too. They made a whole performance to praise the Tapping. All 3000 inmates were gathered in front of a stage constructed for the occasion in the middle of the courtyard inside the high brick walls. After the performance one of the participants from the training came to me: -I don’t know what this technique is doing with me, but it makes me want to talk. It softens my heart. Can you please help me to get in contact with the family who I have wronged during the genocide. Another came and wanted to greet me by hand. He smiled and said : Murakoze! Thank you! When he let go of my hand I felt I had something left in mine. When I looked down I saw a beautiful big ring of brass. Since then we have been in many prisons. That is another story. Rwanda is special in many ways. So much has changed since the genocide. So many reforms and Home Grown solutions to huge challenges. One being that the authorities really want to see rehabilitation of the prisoners. That is why we were engaged to teach Tapping in the prisons. And I love it. If we are to create a more harmonius societies we all need to balance our nervous systems. It is when we react instantly without reflection that most bad things happen. Tapping is a way to create that space between reaction and action. Gunilla Hamne, Sweden Stress and Trauma Consultant Founder of Peaceful Heart Network www.peacefulheart.se www.selfhelpfortrauma.org