Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 12, (1 june 2017) | Page 16
This is why certain music is very soothing as well as and sounds in
nature and dancing or just moving with pleasure. It gives vibrations into
our system that makes things fall into place and we feel peaceful. When
we are stress or traumatized we loose rhythm when – we get out of
sync. The trick is to get back into the vibrations of pure life.
Since the body and mind always want to save us, they do all they can to
make us aware of dangers, much more than of pleasure and nice things.
This is because the nice things are not a threat to our lives – but the
troublesome things are: dangers, imagined or real the brain cannot make
a distinction.
The Tapping techniques (Trauma/Tension Tapping Technique- TTT) me
and my colleagues in Peaceful Heart Network pass on in the world
seems to impose vibrations into the nervous system, and the nervous
system happily accept and integrate and healing can occur. Like a
reset, a kick start.
The TTT tool is as simple and elegant as efficient. And you don’t need to
talk about what has happened to you – or for that sake: what you have
done to others.
Perhaps that’s why especially perpetrators have embrace these
techniques that does not require talking and still has the potential to re-
establish the sense of being alive, present and loving.
Because the most obviously transforming trainings with transferring
TTT have been with perpetrators of violent crimes. Especially in the
prisons of genocide actors in Rwanda and with child soldiers in
rehabilitation centers in the Congo.
As a perpetrator few feel sorry for you. Few want to listen to what you
have done as part of a healing process. Only in court when finding out
if you are guilty or not.
For a victim it is different. As victim you have right to feel bad and people
will tend to you. Nothing strange about that. But it has its implications.
When perpetrators are released and go back into society they
should be able to. Do you agree?
Bugasera is a small town in the east of Rwanda. Rwanda is a small
country where the heart would be placed in Africa. In 1994 a genocide