Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 12, (1 june 2017) | Page 13

Why Am I, With This Man/Woman....??????? In every Culture and Country wherever nature is worshiped it is said that this entire world is made from two main energies … in Bharat (India) we call it Shiv-Shakti in China it is called Yin -Yang in science we call it Static- Kinetic energy or positive –negative OR in layman language we can say Male-Female. This entire world is divided in two parts; even plants are male and female. Creation happen when these two forces come together, very beautiful example of this is our own existence …Creation. These two forces exist in our own body and soul as well. in Bharat (India) one of the GODS we worship is “Ardhnarishwar (God whose body is half woman & half man)” … symbol of these feminine & masculine energies, exist in each and every individual. Now which one is going to be dominant that depends upon our karma & decision that we have taken before our birth for our learning (Sometimes we see it just gets topsy-turvy for the purpose of course, that’s why we can see cases where person’s body is of man however behavior patterns are of woman or vice versa.) So after individual growth in our respective energy field we need to move towards other energy, for next level of learning so we need to come together. Many Saints/enlightened Masters were/are not married or don’t have their counter part because their Shiv-Shakti elements are in perfect harmony .