Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1, Issue 11, (1 May 2017) | Page 15
Crystal Formed by Mozart Symphoney 40
Crystal in water by the word "Love and Gratitude
Sound energy one of the main energies.
It affects our lives in many ways, from constructive -to destructive it
Modern science is on the verge to prove that words are in environment and
we can hear them as again we can hear Krishna giving Geeta updesh
(discourse) to Arjun by setting the right frequency, very much like radio;
now it means word stays even if we perish, so whatever good or bad we
speak is going to be here forever well, J one very good reason why we
should be very careful about what we speak.
In Bharat (India) people keep some water at their worship place and after
prayer they give it to everyone around & sprinkle at places as well they
consider it sacred because of sound of mantra chanting;. And if we observe
closely In Church, in Mosque and almost at every holy place there is a
tradition of keeping sacred water which is there throughout the procession
and then distributed amongst the people.
Japanese scientist “Masaru Emoto” has proved that water gets
effected by sound if there are mantra chanting or classical music or
good & nice words are used irrespective of language water forms
very beautiful crystals, but bad words or bad music harms water &
crystals in water get distorted. Interesting. Well if Sound effect Water So
much then we are most effected by sound (Since we are made of almost
2/3 part of water)
and the water we drink effected by sound too.
As I mentioned in my last article “WATER” that maximum portion of entire