Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1, Issue 10, (1 April 2017) | Page 5

and , with or without medicines he gets well after few days , It was from last one year .
Finally He came to me for Hypnotherapy : in first session we couldn ’ t reach the root of the issue ; his routine was fine , exercise in the morning and healthy food habits . Yes , hectic work schedule in Software Company . So I decided to explore this person ’ s energy body in second session and then this water energy appeared . It was in real bad shape ( stagnate ), means no fresh energy is coming but loads of filth ; ( negative energies / emotions ) has been thrown into it . Fever was just a means used to communicate with this person , what this water energy is going through .
When I asked this energy , why it is in such situation ???
Water Energy said , “ Water flows in river because there is always fresh supply of water from different source of energies like mountains ; from depth of Earth or rain . Similarly , in human body we need fresh supply of water ( energy )” .
Again I asked , “ This person visits places close to water bodies ( sea beaches , river banks etc .…) every 3-6 months then , why water energies in his body are not up to the mark ”?
Water energy said , “ being closer to water body gives fresh energy but what will happen if you are full of energy but not allowed to use this energy , it will be stagnate . And energies are meant to be flowing .”
Then I asked how he could keep his energies moving or flowing ? It answered , by connecting with other flowing energies with full awareness … means connecting with other people even if just a smile & eye contact for fraction of second but with awareness & good thoughts in your ’ heart AND that will make all the difference .